Check out these hits:
1. Sunshine. Lucky there’s some, cos it’s bloody cold overnight here at the moment. Apparently as low as 3 degrees some mornings. I say apparently because there is no way I’m getting out of bed for under 10 to find out. I’m fancy like that.
2. School holidays. How good are they? Not good for the blog admittedly. And as for getting actual productive work done, not so much, but for not having to get out of bed until well after sunrise, well (see hit 1 above), thank you holidays.
Also: SERENITY NOW. But you didn’t hear that from me.
3. JB HiFi. I haven’t set foot inside an actual record shop for a long time (Hence I still call it a record shop), but we did this week, and let’s just say, they’ve come a long way, since back in my day. You can get everything there, and I do mean everything*. Including records. Go there. You will never want to leave.
4. The Boathouse Restaurant on Gympie Terrace. I haven’t been for yonks, and it’s much better these days. I had a delish lunch there, replete with a great ricotta donut dessert that you really have to go and try, for the presentation alone. They have a two-course-plus-wine meal deal for lunch… I’m going to try that next. Great food, with views that turn you into a tourist. That’s what I’m talking about.
5. All of the warm things: hot water bottles and non-burnt heat bags, luxurious blankets, heaters, ugg boots that go almost to the knee, fluffy dressing gowns, flanno sheets, Woofa the Shitcat, cups of tea, stews, open fires and marshmallows, mulled wine, Nathan. Warm things, I’m very glad to have you. Mwah.
*No, I don’t really mean everything. Of course they don’t sell sweet potato or pillows. They do however sell a LOT of things.
So there are my hits, what are yours?
Are you on holidays? Wotchupta?
…From The Ashers xx
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