Shoes, Glorious Shoes
I mentioned here yesterday that I have a problem with loss.
So in the interests of full disclosure, I think I should also reveal I have a problem with shoes. Not in in losing shoes, mind, in finding them. It appears from the straw poll I performed this morning regarding how many shoes other people actually own, I may* have a problem. Not a massive problem, just a little one. Or, not so much little, as errr… Well you be the judge.
Here are my shoes:

42 pairs, give or take.. Mainly give, as I found four more pairs after this photo-shoot, and I remembered I left another pair at a mates house in Melbourne last time I was there…
In my defence, I live in Queensland, and it is quite hot, so I require lots of thong-sandal-flimsy kind of shoes. It does however cool down in the Autumn, so I do require a few shoes for that change of season. In addition I am likely to go to Melbourne at least once a year, so I require black things and warm things to do that. Plus, there is the fact that I like to give the impression of being kind of casual-sporty, so I have no choice but to have a pair or several of Cons. (You may notice there is one pair of actual running shoes. I wore those in 2011, and I will say they were very comfortable that day.)
So there you have it. This is what the shoe situation is like for a person with many and varied tastes. I would also like to remind you, before you mock my abundance, that I wear every single pair of these shoes, except the white wedding shoes, but I will wear those this Friday. These shoes are my friends and allies. I have The Menopause, so sometimes it is impossible to find anything to wear that makes a girl feel good. My feet are never fat, and my shoes never fail me.
I would like to say I don’t have that many pairs but I probably have about 20 or 30 pairs of which at least half would be thong type shoes as well. Living on the Gold Coast and working in jeans and thongs every day means they are a staple in my wardrobe. Actually I think thongs should only be counted as half a pair of shoes !!
Have the best day !
Yes, I think that’s a fair comment. Thongs aren’t proper shoes so probably shouldn’t be counted at all really…
I do love your shoe collection, I think I have 29 pairs, a few being slipper sock things for winter and a few pair that are thongs, a few that need throwing out, that I think I will get repaired with new buckles, but haven’t for five years.
It’s funny that they do become a part of your life, I just remembered I didn’t add my wedding shoes or another dressey pair I have in boxes, so 31 pairs is my total. I keep my shoes forever until they are falling apart or rotting, so I may have a little “problem” too.
Haha, yes Sam, just a different problem. I cull every season, so I’m existing on the bare bones. I ‘need’ a few new pairs of thongs for summer, and maybe one pair of nude stilettos. That should do it…
Okay so I think I guessed 10 to 12 pairs when I conducted your straw poll and I read your blog and thought wowsers I don’t have that many….bearing in mind I had a mass clear out before we moved to Australia 4 years ago and arrived with just 4 pairs of shoes in one suitcase. I just went to my wardrobe and counted 32 pairs of shoes. How did that happen? I have a slight idea as 5 pairs are runners 😉
Ooh I can see the fab blue pair you wore to my wedding. I love those. Feel free to donate them my way……
Ohhh, so here I was, feeling all first world, and the straw poll was bogus… I’m off to the shoe shop…