It’s a Sunday Night Shutdown
Today the following things occurred:
I did a presentation. The computer and the projector did not communicate. So that was fun.
I did a presentation. For free. From the goodness of my heart. And I got trolled, IRL, by a dude from Deliverance (Or possibly regional Queensland. Same-same. Apologies to regional Queensland readers, but if you are reading this, I am not referring to you, because: computers and READING.) So that was “fun”. I might tell you about it someday.
I did a presentation. AT 8am ON A SUNDAY. If this doesn’t put me closer to someone’s god, then I give up.
I sat in as the support person, with Coco as the patient, for four hours whilst would-be paediatricians poked and prodded her, trying to figure out what the hell this rare and usual thing she has, is. Hint: read my blog MoFos. This is our fifth time in the hot seat. I can’t wait for the day when I have a book called ‘One in Four’ on the best-seller list, and they can just waltz in, recognise us from the INTERWEBZ and stop saying weird-ass shit like; “I think she her liver measures within normal limits” or “her bruising is pathological” (she just learnt to ride a two-wheeler bike MoFos) or “her dentition is normal”.*
And lastly: I have just found out that Elementary is not on tonight. I do not know what sorcery has created this travesty, but I fear I shall be forced to go and watch that 50 Shades of Shit trailer…again.
Oh no, Sweet Baby Cheeses, I just switched over to some crap channel and I saw precocious children singing duets. Synapses: seared.
But, because the world can only exist when there is a balance of negative and positive (Is this true? Or an AlisonFact?**) these things also happened:
NAPOLEON DYNAMITE IS ON THE TELLY RIGHT NOW. Forget Pretty In Pink or St Elmo’s Boring, this is the movie of EVERY generation. (Also: I love you Channel 11.)

I found this cashola in a secret spot in my handbag whilst looking for a lippy. 4 pineapples and a slice of lettuce? Yes thank you.

Dunno what it is, but I’ll say YES (x4). So I might be a bit wobbly whilst writing this post. Hence, all of the boldz.
Also: The Silverback has done the food shopping for the week, AND is now doing the ironing, whilst I swill away. Schwiiiinggg!
So there you go: It’s a Sunday Night Shutdown here at The Asher’s Joint. (Thanks for the advice Mrs Woogie). The Evil Geniuses were allowed to stay up 47 minutes past curfew, til 7.30pm, with a pinky swear that they would not emerge from their bedrooms until 6.30am or later. So we shall see. Could be a sweet deal.
Hope your weekend was a ripper, and deserving of a true Sundyniteshutdown.
Over and out.
*Sorry if you are one of those docs. I know you were nervous. But: normal dentition??? She has seven good teeth.
**Alison means “Little Truthful One”, so QED
….From The Ashers xxx
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